Vogue in Vegas

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Sunday Morning Thoughts

Hey guys! I introduce to you "Sunday Morning Thoughts"! Like I said in my Lifestyle post I cannot realistically take pictures everyday, especially now with the new semester and the long list of responsibilities that come with it. That being said, I want to still be involved with my blog and even establish a regular posting schedule (maybe 2-3 times a week) whether it is fashion, lifestyle, or just random thoughts! Sunday Mornings are the most relaxed for me, leaving me a lot of time to think about everything so every Sunday expect a new addition to my "Sunday Morning Thoughts" collection! This Sunday Morning, my thoughts are on new beginnings. The start of a new semester always has me so excited because the possibilities are endless for the rest of the semester. For some reason, I am especially excited this semester. I even bought school supplies! My classes are great and even though my schedule may be crazy, I am doing everything I love. I'm taking nursing classes, spanish classes AND business classes! Often times people ask me if I am unsure as to what it is I want to do since my major and minors have no relation. The truth is, I know exactly what I want to do. In fact, I was that kid who has had her life mapped out since the 6th grade. I'm just interested in so many things and what better place to explore your interests than college? So the next time you think something might strike you interesting, study it! Explore it! You never know what you could be missing out on.

Till next time,

Xo Paula